Crawford_House_grantVeterans residing at the Crawford House in Colorado Springs, Colo., are reaping the benefits of some renovations recently made to their home.

The program, operated under the Colorado Veterans Resource Coalition, provides transitional housing to homeless veterans and veterans suffering from substance abuse. Homeless veterans receive assistance in creating resumes, job placement, and others services aimed at finding them meaningful full-time employment.

Recently, old and soiled carpets were replaced throughout the living areas. In addition, two brand new dining room tables with chairs replaced an old set in the communal kitchen area. This new seating comfortably sits 21 residents and the two on-site managers.

The American Legion Auxiliary Foundation helped support the upgrades by awarding ALA Colorado Unit 209 with a $4,000 grant through the ALA Foundation’s Veteran Projects Fund.

“I was ecstatic,” said Jackie Bowen, ALA Colorado District 7 president. “To actually be able to see a difference in something you have helped accomplish warms my heart. To be able to help the veterans was an honor.”

The grant’s goal was to provide a comfortable, clean, attractive, and safe atmosphere for current and future residents.

“The new carpet brightens up the rooms and gives us a calming effect, especially for those of us who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or a Traumatic Brain Injury. We hope that it can stay this way,” said Vicky Pettis, executive director of the Crawford House. “The new dining room tables with two chairs at each end and four benches allows us all to sit around the table together for dinner. “

Once the veterans find a job, they are offered low-cost apartment facilities for up to two years.

To learn more about the American Legion Auxiliary Foundation’s Veteran Projects Fund grants and how you can apply, visit