Veterans Creative Arts Festival (VCAF) Grants
The American Legion Auxiliary Foundation (ALA Foundation) has established criteria for granting VCAF awards to local creative arts festivals. ALA Foundation VCAF grants may only be awarded to an American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) tax-exempt entity that is in good standing with both the IRS nonprofit tax guidelines and the ALA compliance standards. Grants can be awarded up to $2,500 for a project period not to exceed twelve (12) months.
The ALA Foundation’s VCAF grants cannot fund:
- Reimbursements for completed projects.
- Refreshments and/or food items.
- Any VCAF event not affiliated with or partnering with a VA facility participating in the NVCAF
- Any NVCAF expenses.
- Maintenance or construction costs to Festival venue.
Recipients of VCAF grants are required to meet compliance standards by submitting grant reports that include a narrative description or summary of the grant progress or outcome, along with photos, media coverage and a financial reporting of the grant funding. This grant report is required to be submitted to the ALA Foundation within 30 days of the project’s completion to remain in compliance with the ALA Foundation’s standards.