Subgrants to American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Entities from Corporations and Foundations
The American Legion Auxiliary Foundation (ALA Foundation) can serve as a recipient of grant funding for ALA departments, districts/counties, and units from a foundation, corporation, or entity that requires the recipient to be a 501(c)(3). The ALA Foundation will then, in turn, subgrant to the ALA entity according to the terms and conditions of the grantor. The ALA Foundation will only consider third party subgrants that support the mission of the ALA.
The ALA Foundation cannot accept the following:
- Donations from an individual.
- Donations less than $250.
- Non-cash donations.
- Recurring employee contributions for volunteer hours, matches, or payroll deduction that are less than $250.
- Any donation for an ALA entity that is not in good standing with the ALA in accordance with IRS guidelines.
- Any donation that does not support the mission statement of the ALA.
Recipients of ALA Foundation subgrants are required to sign an Indemnity Agreement and agree to fulfill any other reporting requirements set forth by the grantor.