American Legion Auxiliary Ohio Unit 214, like so many units nationwide, works tirelessly to support veterans, military, and their families. But members knew they could be doing more to let their community know who is behind all of the programs and events they run.
That’s why they applied for a Mission in Action grant from the ALA Foundation. Mission in Action grants are the ALA Foundation’s way of supporting the growth and prosperity of Auxiliary units, districts, and departments by helping them purchase items such as tents, tablecloths, storage totes or cargo trailers – all branded with the ALA emblem.
Ohio Unit 214 applied and was awarded $820 for a branded aluminum canopy tent and two large ALA tablecloths.
“In the past, we had used plain tents and tablecloths for various events, but these allow people to find us that may be curious or interested in joining the cause,” said Diane Woerner, Unit 214 treasurer.
Increasing membership has become a goal for so many units across the country, and the promotional aspect of these materials can lead to more members, volunteers, and funds raised to grow the mission.
“We appreciate the fact that the ALA Foundation was able to approve our grant application and allow for these items to be purchased,” Diane said.
Not only did the grant increase awareness in the community, it also allowed the unit to focus the funds they already had on their ultimate goal – serving as many veterans as possible.
“It also allows us to then share what we do and why we do this work for our veterans and community. It is another tool in the membership toolbox,” Diane said.
American Legion Auxiliary Foundation grants offer so many opportunities for ALA units, districts, and departments. See if your mission-related project could benefit from any of the four grant types offered by the ALA Foundation at