Marybeth and her unit members at their local Fisher House
American Legion Auxiliary National Treasurer Marybeth Revoir has never known a life without her beloved Auxiliary, and she never wants to.
When Marybeth was just 4 months old, her mother became the first president of a brand new ALA unit and started both of their memberships. As a young child, Marybeth’s mother made her tag along to every meeting and event. After some time, she grew to love participating in ALA programs, like working with local veterans hospitals, Fisher House, and the ALA Girls State program.
“It was just second nature; it was the thing we did,” Marybeth said.
“I continue my activism in honor of my mother, because it was so meaningful to her, but also because these people have become my best friends.”
Marybeth utilized her skills in finance as her involvement with the Auxiliary grew steadily over the years, having served at the unit, county, district, department, and national levels.
“I chose to stay in my role as treasurer because it is my niche, and I can be more useful in this role,” Marybeth said.
“I’ve always been on the money end. Imparting to others how to make money, how to best make money stretch, and how to be fiscally responsible because we can’t do our mission without funds.”
Marybeth hope is that she is able to help the ALA grow financially and keep it on a steady course for the future.
She also works to ensure the mission continues for future generations by being a part of the ALA’s Legacy Society, a group of dedicated Auxiliary supporters who have pledged a gift to the ALA or American Legion Auxiliary Foundation in their estate plans.
“I decided to do this because I finally came to realize that the existence of the ALA as it was for the first 100 years will not be the same for the next 100,” Marybeth said. “It will change because society and the makeup of our members has changed.”
Marybeth continues to encourage others to share their gifts and strengths, so that no matter what the future holds, the Auxiliary will be there to lift up veterans, military, and their families.
“I feel it is important to do whatever I can, either from a financial standpoint or with my time and knowledge to support the total picture and to keep the organization moving forward, being a force for years to come,” Marybeth said.
Show your support of the American Legion Auxiliary or ALA Foundation by joining the Legacy Society. Learn more at www.ALAforVeterans.org/Planned-Giving.