Syracuse Veterans Creative Arts Festival celebrates veterans artistic expression

  All veterans deserve to be celebrated, and the American Legion Auxiliary volunteers at the Syracuse Veterans Creative Arts Festival in New York make this a top priority year after year.The event hosts dozens of local veterans in a creative competition and celebration, and, since 2014, the festival organizers have relied on the support of


ALA Foundation sub-grant allows for more ALA Badger Girls State participants

 photo Hannah Catt For over 75 years, the American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State program has brought bright students from across Wisconsin together to develop leadership skills, learn the basics of state government, and gain confidence in their ability to make a difference in the world. “[ALA Girls State] was made up of outstanding young


ALA Foundation grant makes serving Maine veterans easier

The wheelchairs used by volunteers and staff to transport patients around the Togus Veterans Affairs Medical center in Augusta, Maine, were heavy, outdated, and cumbersome. As a part of a larger statewide effort, American Legion Auxiliary Maine Unit 81 decided to purchase two new Stryker Prime TC Transport Chairs for the medical center. Knowing each


ALA Foundation grant helps dress veterans for success

At Pennyroyal Veterans Center in Hopkinsville, Ky., 50 homeless veterans at a time have a place to live and the resources to rebuild their life. By providing the basic necessities, residents are able to focus on going the extra mile to improve their situation. At the center, substance abuse and mental health treatments are available,


Kitchen appliances make an impact for 300 veterans thanks to an ALA Foundation grant

Volunteers from American Legion Auxiliary Illinois Unit 577 host events each week for veterans and active military at the James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center. Whether it is a simple Sunday bingo night, a more elaborate celebration for Independence Day, or their annual Christmas shop where veterans can shop for free for their loved


American Legion Auxiliary Foundation subgrant supports leadership opportunities for Maryland youth

Each summer, nearly 16,000 young women participate in an American Legion Auxiliary Girls State program in their home state. In 2019, four of those high school students were given the chance to attend thanks to the generosity of the John and Patricia Bowell Foundation and the nonprofit status of the American Legion Auxiliary Foundation. ALA


American Legion Auxiliary Foundation grant provides transportation for female veterans in need

The mission of the American Legion Auxiliary Foundation is to positively impact the lives of veterans, military, and their families. To say that The Guardian House, a female veteran transitional housing center in Saratoga, N.Y., positively impacted the life of U.S. Air Force veteran Janet Harrington is a gross understatement. Harrington is proud to have


One Mission, Two Grants: How two ALA units worked together to support female veterans

Leftover on the walls of the former Trapp Elementary school in Winchester, Ky., is an acrostic poem – TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More. That’s exactly what it took to start the transformation of this school into a transitional home for female veterans. Many American Legion Auxiliary units and American Legion posts have joined forces with


Heroic veteran leads art therapy classes for peers with help from ALA Foundation grant

The ability to express yourself is vital for your mental health. For veterans, this process can be extremely challenging. Just ask Miette Wells.A U.S. Air Force veteran and survivor of military sexual trauma and Traumatic Brain Injury, Wells struggled to both express herself and be understood after returning from her service in Panama and Kuwait.


ALA Foundation grant helps veterans find refuge

Divide Camp is a place of refuge nestled in the Wallowa Mountains in Oregon. Each year, it hosts over 50 combat-wounded veterans, with the goal of providing hope and healing through encounters with nature and outdoor recreation.As the camp grows, more resources are needed. In 2018, the need for a permanent kitchen facility emerged –

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